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BlogContainers (Kubernetes, Docker)Linode Managed Kubernetes Now Available

Linode Managed Kubernetes Now Available

A cartoon graphic of a person at a computer with the Kubernetes logo behind him

Today, at CNCF’s KubeCon, we announced the open beta for Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE), now the easiest fully-managed container orchestration platform for deploying and managing modern applications in the cloud.

What started as supported integrations with Terraform, Helm, and Rancher has evolved into the development of our own managed Kubernetes service. While Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for orchestrating containerized workloads, running it remains unnecessarily difficult. Linode Kubernetes Engine overcomes the challenges of today’s offerings through enhanced automation and a reimagined user experience.

Because LKE is integrated into the Linode platform, developers can easily create clusters from any combination of shared virtual machines, Dedicated CPU, High Memory, and GPU compute instance types. With integrated cloud storage options, automatic load balancing, and integrations with popular Kubernetes tools, Linode Kubernetes Engine provides everything necessary to deploy and manage production-level workloads at scale, including:

  • An intuitive and guided interface for deploying and managing clusters
  • Open APIs to manage clusters programmatically and modify cluster configurations
  • Integrated cloud storage with Block Storage, Object Storage and Backups
  • Planned support for autoscaling to effortlessly match resources to workloads
  • Automatic workload management to provision and configure NodeBalancers
  • Integration with Kubernetes related tools, such as Rancher, Helm, and Terraform
  • The Kubernetes control plane for free making it easy to get up and running
  • Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling to match developer resources with their workload
  • One-Click App support to simplify managing and deploying Kubernetes in the cloud
  • The latest version support for Kubernetes (version 1.16)

We expect the LKE beta won’t last long as we add customers at a regular cadence until general availability. If you haven’t already signed up, please visit and tell us a little bit about your use case.

Attending KubeCon? Come meet the team!
Our LKE product and engineering teams are at the show and would love to talk about how you’re using managed Kubernetes. Stop by the Linode booth, S44.


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