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Learn more about Linode’s robust and reliable networking backbone delivered through data centers located around the world.


IPv6 Now Available in London and Atlanta

Dec 20, 2011
by The Linode Security Team
As part of our ongoing efforts to support IPv6 across all of our locations, we are happy to announce that native IPv6 is now available in London and Atlanta. Existing Linodes can enable IPv6 simply by clicking “Enable IPv6” on the Remote Access tab of the Linode Manager. New Linodes and Linodes migrating into a facility […]
Christopher Aker

Linode Launches Native IPv6 Support

May 3, 2011
by Christopher Aker
Over the past 25 years the Internet has experienced astronomical growth – far more than the original architects imagined. As a result, the pools of unallocated IPv4 blocks have been accelerating toward exhaustion. In fact, on February 3rd, 2011 the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) allocated the remaining pool of addresses equally among the five […]
Christopher Aker

Bandwidth Pooling

Feb 8, 2010
by Christopher Aker
While we’ve had network transfer/bandwidth pooling in our internal accounting for some time, it’s never been displayed in the Linode Manager — until now.  At the bottom of the main Linodes tab, you’ll now see a new section that displays the cumulative network transfer quotas for all your Linodes for this month, how much you’ve […]

Private Back-End Network Support

Mar 14, 2008
by The Linode Security Team
We’ve created a private Local Area Network (LAN), in each datacenter, upon which Linodes can join, without having to worry about the transfer counting against their monthly network quota. This feature allows for some interesting possibilities. For instance, creating sets of front-end webserver Linodes and back-end database server Linodes which communicate over this private network. […]
Christopher Aker

Move or swap IPs across linked Linodes

Nov 9, 2007
by Christopher Aker
[b]Move or swap IPs across linked Linodes within the same data center[/b] You can now move and/or swap IP addresses assigned from one Linode to another Linode that’s under your account — as long as they’re in the same datacenter. This new feature is located off the Remote Access subtab by clicking on “IP Swap”. […]

Network Traffic Graphs

Oct 23, 2005
by The Linode Security Team
Network traffic graphs are now availible from the Member’s site. Two graphs are displayed, one covering the last 24 hours and another covering the last 30 days. In the near future we will add the ability to view graphs for prior months. Longer term, we hope to add graphs for additional datapoints to help users […]
Christopher Aker

Double the Network Transit now Standard on all Packages

Jun 16, 2005
by Christopher Aker
[b]Double Network Transit now Standard on all Packages [/b] Standard plans now include: Linode 64 – 50 GiB/xfer Linode 96 – 76 GiB/xfer Linode 128 – 100 GiB/xfer Linode 192 – 150 GiB/xfer Linode 256 – 200 GiB/xfer Check the [url=]products[/url] page for more information. [b]Retro-active to all Existing Customers NOW[/b] Existing customers should notice […]
Christopher Aker

Bug Fix – Network Drops and Connectivity Blips

Jan 19, 2004
by Christopher Aker
I released a change in the host-side network configuration for the Linode’s network setup that fixes a number of related, long-outstanding and not easily reproducible bugs: [list][*]Random disconnects when others rebooted on the same host. [*]Complete loss of connectivity if the MAC address timed out in the bridging table. (requiring the log-into console and ping […]
Christopher Aker

Reduced Bandwidth Pricing

Jan 15, 2004
by Christopher Aker
Pricing for additional bandwidth has been cut by 25-50%! [list] [*]10 GB = $10/mo [*]20 GB = $20/mo [*]40 GB = $40/mo [*]80 GB = $60/mo [*]120 GB = $80/mo [*]160 GB = $100/mo [*]350 GB = $200/mo [/list] For higher volume discount pricing, please contact Enjoy! -Chris
Christopher Aker

Reverse DNS Manager

Oct 22, 2003
by Christopher Aker
Available now off the Member’s Overview page is the Reverse DNS Configuration Manager (look near the “Network Information” button — there is a link to it). It is fairly bare-bones at the moment, but get’s the job done. [b]Requirements[/b] Your reverse DNS hostname must first forward resolve to one of your IPs. I couldn’t find […]
Christopher Aker

Network Filtering Improvements

Sep 24, 2003
by Christopher Aker
I deployed new “transparent” network filtering yesterday evening around midnight. The filtering falls into two categories, global filtering and Linode-specific filtering. The global filtering is already activated on all the hosts. This filters most of the broadcast traffic, the HSRP messages, and UDP port 137 traffic. The Linode specific filtering filters broadcast traffic, and ARP […]
Christopher Aker

Network Usage Summary update

Aug 26, 2003
by Christopher Aker
I’ve made some changes behind the scenes to eliminate having to click on “Calculate Network Usage” in the Members Control panel. This was a huge resource hog, slowing everything down. The host servers are now updating the monthly cumulative number instead of capturing 60-second snapshots that then have to be calculated together. So, the “Network […]