I want to add my own domain that I created from linode to blogger how can I do this?

I want to add my own domain that I created from linode to blogger how can I do this?

1 Reply

Linode Staff

Linode doesn't offer domain registry service, but we do have a free DNS Manager that allows you to use our nameservers, even if you purchased your domain somewhere else.

Since we're not a domain registrar, you would need to first purchase your domain from a registry service (i.e. Namecheap or GoDaddy) and then point it at our nameservers from your registrar of choice. Likewise, if you want to use your domain directly with Blogger, you would point it towards their nameservers.

For reference, our nameservers are:


Here's an example from Blogger's forums that reviews how to set up a domain with Blogspot's nameservers:

"nameserver" for blogspot

This may all sound confusing, but we have a pretty good guide on how to set this up here:

DNS Records: An Introduction

And here is our DNS Manager guide:

DNS Manager

Also, this Community post has a pretty good overview of this process:

Pointing a domain name to your server

Lastly, this post has some great links on DNS setup:

How do I configure DNS for my Linode?

Happy blogging!


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