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Christopher Aker

Self-Serve Removal of Extras

Nov 7, 2007
by Christopher Aker
[b]Self-Serve Removal of Extras[/b] You no longer need to submit a support ticket to have extras removed from your Linode account. This includes removing extra disk space, RAM, monthly data transfer, and IP addresses. The remaining time on the package is credited back to your account, minus one day. This feature gets us out of […]
Christopher Aker

Now with 25% more disk space!

Oct 27, 2007
by Christopher Aker
Crazy caker strikes again! I’ve added 25% disk space to all the plans, for both monthly and annual accounts, for all our existing and new customers! Linode 300 goes from 8 to [b]10[/b] GiB disk space Linode 450 goes from 12 to [b]15[/b] GiB disk space Linode 600 goes from 16 to [b]20[/b] GiB disk […]
Christopher Aker

Utility to change a root password

Oct 26, 2007
by Christopher Aker
[b]Utility to change a root password[/b] I’ve added a utility to change root password on a selected disk image. It’s [url=]available here[/url], off of the new [url=]Utilities sub-tab[/url]. It’s pretty straightforward. You select a disk image, enter a new password twice, hit submit and the job is dispatched to the host. Your Linode must be […]
Christopher Aker

Lassie, the shutdown watchdog

Oct 26, 2007
by Christopher Aker
[b]Lassie – Linode Autonomous System Shutdown Intelligent rEbooter[/b] Lassie is a shutdown watchdog. It will automatically reboot your Linode if it powers off unexpectedly. It works by detecting that your Linode has powered off without a shutdown job being responsible for the power off condition. To prevent a loop, it will give up after 5 […]
Christopher Aker

Gentoo 2007.0

Sep 3, 2007
by Christopher Aker
Gentoo 2007.0 disk image is up — available now through the Distro Wizard… Enjoy! -Chris
Christopher Aker

More RAM, Double XFER, no Setup fees

Sep 1, 2007
by Christopher Aker
You didn’t ask for it, but you’re getting it anyway! I’ve thrown caution to the wind, boarded the crazy train, lost my marbles, and: ➡ Increased the RAM ➡ Doubled the XFER ➡ Eliminated setup fees for new signups Linode 256 becomes [b]Linode 300[/b] with 200GiB XFER Linode 384 becomes [b]Linode 450[/b] with 300GiB XFER […]
Christopher Aker

Multiple Account Management

May 30, 2007
by Christopher Aker
[b]Multiple Account Management[/b] You can now have [url=]multiple Linodes[/url] under one account, either by [url=]adding a Linode[/url] to your existing account or, if you already have multiple Linodes you can [url=]merge them together[/url]. [b]Multiple Accounts Features[/b] ➡ Can switch from one Linode to another inside the LPM without logging out/in. ➡ All-in-one billing. All your […]
Christopher Aker

Dallas Upgrades now available!

Apr 24, 2007
by Christopher Aker
[b]Dallas Upgrades now available![/size][/b] We’ve [url=]doubled your resources[/url], and finally have the brand new, faster hardware up and running for you to receive them. To migrate to this new hardware, please utilize the [url=]Migration Queue[/url] tool located here: Come and get em! Enjoy! -Chris
Christopher Aker

[RFT] MigrationQueue, for host9-host26 Linoders

Mar 15, 2007
by Christopher Aker
I would like for a few of you waiting for the upgrades on hosts 9-26 to test a self-serve migration feature in the LPM before releasing it to the masses. Once you accept (by clicking a button) your Linode will enter a "Migration Queue". The queue limits the number of concurrent migrations of Linodes per […]
Christopher Aker

Fedora Core 6 (FC6)

Mar 14, 2007
by Christopher Aker
I’ve updated our Fedora distro to FC6. I’m pretty sure this distro requires a 2.6 kernel (which new deployments now default to). Let me know how it goes. Thanks, -Chris
Christopher Aker

100% Resource Increase!

Mar 1, 2007
by Christopher Aker
The Big Announcement: Double the Resources![/size] [b]100% Resource Increase![/b] As hinted at in various threads, the big announcement is here: We’ve doubled the resources on all our Linode plans! That’s double the RAM, double the disk space, double the transfer, and double the value! 🙂 [b]Standard plans now include:[/b] Linode 128 becomes [b]Linode 256 – […]
Christopher Aker

[RFC] New Member’s User Interface – Dashboard

Feb 28, 2007
by Christopher Aker
Check it out by logging in with this URL: No more jumping around to create/edit/delete images and config profiles. Thoughts? -Chris