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BlogLinodeLongview Apps

Longview Apps


We are pleased to announce that Longview now supports Apache, Nginx, and MySQL, in addition to all of the system-level metrics it already provides. The newly updated Longview agent will automatically detect if any of these applications are installed and running, and will start collecting their performance data and other usage statistics. On the Longview dashboard you’ll find new tabs, providing you with insight into key metrics for these applications.

Metrics, Appified.

With Longview Apps, you now have a graphical dashboard of up-to-the-minute Apache, MySQL, and Nginx resource and performance metrics. Metrics like requests/sec, worker counts, network throughput, queries/sec, slow queries and more are visualized in interactive graphs – along with application-specific CPU, memory, disk IO, and process information.

Use this information to manage system and application resources, tune MySQL queries, troubleshoot application slowdowns, and much more.

System Requirements

Longview works on any supported Linux system. It does NOT have to be a Linode server. Packages for Longview are available for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and CentOS distributions. A manual install method is also provided for other systems.


Basic Longview is completely FREE, and we’re also bumping the free version’s data retention to 12 hours. Longview Pro is available with higher sample resolution and unlimited data retention. See the product page for details.

Getting Longview

For new users or new installations: Create and/or log into your Linode Manager account, navigate to the Longview tab, and follow the on-screen prompt to install Longview into a new Linux box.

For upgrading existing installations: Run the following command with sudo or as root: apt-get update && apt-get install linode-longview. More information can be found in the Library guides below.

More information:


Comments (35)

  1. Author Photo

    Will Longview ever support Arch Linux?

  2. Author Photo

    “we’re also bumping the free version’s data retention to 12 hours”

  3. Author Photo

    @Mudkip: The installer script on the longview page works nicely on Arch.

  4. Author Photo

    A very useful, well thought.out utility. My complements!

  5. Author Photo

    Very nice. Wish it had varnish stats too..

  6. Author Photo

    postgresql, please 🙂

  7. Author Photo

    >postgresql, please

    also,gentoo linux supported (place it to local overlay and bump to 1.1.1)

  8. Author Photo

    +1 for postgresql.

    Thanks for this tool – it’s great!

  9. Author Photo

    Just installed this – thanks Linode – great tool!

  10. Author Photo

    Consider adding support to lighttpd 😉

  11. Author Photo

    +1 for varnish stats…

  12. Author Photo
  13. Author Photo
    Luís Pedro Algarvio

    Fantastic!!! Love Linode

  14. Author Photo

    I’d like a messaging feature like syslog. Throw message on each hosts to Longview, then Longview display all on web at once.
    This shows what exactly do at the time and we’ll know why the graph changes.

    02:00 Host1 Backup started
    02:10 Host1 Backup finished
    02:30 Host2 Cronjob daily

  15. Author Photo
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  18. Author Photo

    Postgres +1

  19. Author Photo
  20. Author Photo

    postgresql +1

  21. Author Photo

    postgres +1

  22. Author Photo

    +1 for postgresql.

  23. Author Photo
  24. Author Photo

    +1 for postgres +1, please

  25. Author Photo
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  28. Author Photo

    Redis and Mongo please, or the ability to write them 😀

  29. Author Photo
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  32. Author Photo

    PostgreSQL +1 – also, PG has existing metrics that it shouldn’t be too hard to plug into. log_min_duration_statement, pg_stat_statements, and other tools can provide most of the data you need, you just need to get it to the dashboard.

  33. Author Photo
  34. Author Photo

    PostgreSQL +1

  35. Author Photo

    Please please please add postgres support and maybe even custom metrics like for instance i’d like to see some record counts in some tables. A mobile app or a way to copy-paste the graphs in a 3rd party dashboard would also be awesome.

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