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Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

Apr 24, 2008
by The Linode Security Team
Ubuntu version 8.04 Hardy Heron is now available for installation via the distro wizard. Existing installs can, of course, upgrade.

Private Back-End Network Support

Mar 14, 2008
by The Linode Security Team
We’ve created a private Local Area Network (LAN), in each datacenter, upon which Linodes can join, without having to worry about the transfer counting against their monthly network quota. This feature allows for some interesting possibilities. For instance, creating sets of front-end webserver Linodes and back-end database server Linodes which communicate over this private network. […]

Alert Notifications

Jan 29, 2008
by The Linode Security Team
Alert Notifications You can now get notified via email when your Linode crosses a specific threshold, for several statistics. Alerts are checked once per hour. Currently, the available parameters are: CPU usage (two hour average) Disk IO-ops/sec (two hour average) Network traffic rate in (two hour average) Network traffic rate out (two hour average) Monthly […]

Lots of Great Stuff

Dec 6, 2007
by The Linode Security Team
I’ve been busy lately and have got some great new stuff for you: [b]Ajax Job Queue Updates[/b] – If you’ve got JavaScript enabled, your browser will check for changes in job progress more frequently, updating the job queue when there are changes. When a job finishes, the other elements on the page are updated as […]

Nov 16, 2007
by The Linode Security Team
Linode now has a [url=]Pastebin[/url] site using the software developed by [url=]Paul Dixon[/url]. [quote] [The] pastebin is here to help you collaborate on debugging code snippets. If you’re not familiar with the idea, most people use it like this: * submit a code fragment to pastebin, getting a url like * paste the url […]

Fedora Core 8

Nov 9, 2007
by The Linode Security Team
Fedora Core 8 is available for install from the distro wizard. I’m not a Fedora user so feel free to point out any deficiencies in the template

Arch Linux 2007.08

Oct 30, 2007
by The Linode Security Team
Arch Linux 2007.08 is available for install from the distro wizard. I’m not an Arch user so feel free to point out any deficiencies in the template 😉

OpenSUSE 10.3

Oct 30, 2007
by The Linode Security Team
OpenSUSE 10.3 is available for install from the distro wizard. I’m not an OpenSUSE user so feel free to point out any deficiencies in the template 😉

Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

Oct 23, 2007
by The Linode Security Team
Ubuntu version 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon is now available for installation via the distro wizard. Existing installs can, of course, upgrade.

CentOS 5.0

May 1, 2007
by The Linode Security Team
CentOS 5.0 is now available for installation via the distro-wizard.

Debian 4.0 and Ubuntu 7.04

Apr 26, 2007
by The Linode Security Team
Debian 4.0 Etch and Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn are now available for installation via the distro wizard. Existing installs can, of course, be upgraded via apt.

CPU Usage Graphs

Jun 17, 2006
by The Linode Security Team
CPU usage graphs are now availible from the Member’s site. Two graphs are displayed, one covering the last 24 hours and another covering the last 30 days. Like the network traffic graphs, these graphs are generated in real time but the data they are based on is updated every five minutes. Endless refreshing won’t increase […]
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