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BlogCloud OverviewsJust How Big Will Cloud Get?

Just How Big Will Cloud Get?

Unclouded Blog | Linode

The year may be drawing to a close, but cloud growth shows no signs of slowing. The market continues to smash expectations quarter after quarter, with experts predicting it will reach $10 trillion this decade. Already, 90% of organizations rely on the cloud, but as new services emerge and existing capabilities mature, there’s nowhere to go but up. 

“[Growth] rates will increase as the benefits of cloud computing get better understood and more and more use cases are discovered,” explains VMware Executive Technical Advisor Bernard Golden. “The torrid growth we’ve seen over the past few years is nothing more than a prologue to even headier growth in the future.”

While the pandemic surely accelerated uptake, the surge in multicloud usage also plays a starring role in driving the boom. In fact, today only 3% of companies rely on a single provider: a dramatic swing from 2019 when one-third of enterprises used one cloud service.

Having a single #cloud provider is so last decade… >struggling< to support #multicloud, #hybridcloud  and everything in between is so this decade. You cannot escape lock-in… #azure #aws #gcpcloud 

Craig Milroy, Principal Data & AI and Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft (@CraigMilroy)

And with the rise of alternatives to the biggest providers’ price tags and complex services, multicloud is more accessible—and appealing—than ever. 


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