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BlogCloud OverviewsUpcoming Conferences 2015

Upcoming Conferences 2015


Linode is making the rounds on the conference circuit! Check out where we’re going over the next few months.

Austin | Austin, TX | May 9-10
Brooklyn | Brooklyn, NY | June 6-7
Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA | June 6-7

We’re sending our mentors all over the U.S. for Angelhack. Angelhack is a 24-hour hackathon where developers of all ages and skill levels go to create awesomeness. It’s open to the public, so check out their website for more details and to buy tickets:

DrupalCon LA | Los Angeles, CA | May 11-15
This year’s DrupalCon is in Los Angeles so we’re packing our bags and heading to the west coast. If you’re attending, stop by booth #209 to meet our team and talk about what you can do with Linode.

VelocitylogoVelocity | Santa Clara, CA | May 27-29
With amazing topics and incredible speakers, Velocity 2015 is shaping up to be one to remember. Our team will be hanging out at Booth #401 loaded with tons of Linode goodies.

logo_lcnaLinuxCon North America | Seattle, WA | August 17-19
We are thrilled to be part of LinuxCon North America this year! There will be over 100 sessions and we can’t wait to connect with all of the Linux pros in attendance. Stop by our booth for Linode swag PLUS credit towards your new account.

FOSSCON | Philadelphia, PA | August 22
FOSSCON is a free-and-open-source software conference held in Philadelphia. Our team will be there, prepped and ready to talk cloud hosting with you.


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