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Multicloud Calls for Edge Services

Multicloud Calls for Edge Services - Techstrong Research Blog Post Header

We’re seeing an evolution in how organizations select their cloud service providers as a multicloud future becomes more inevitable. And they’re not just taking baby steps. They want a global delivery platform that can help scale their application environments, support API-first software designs, facilitate third-party add-ons and assist customers in migrating environments like Kubernetes. They want the whole deal.

That’s one of the findings in Techstrong Research’s latest survey, “Q4 2022 DevOps and the Public Cloud: Selecting the Right Cloud Provider,” for which more than 550 development professionals, managers and senior leaders from over 50 countries across 20 industries were polled. In it, respondents focused on their eventual move to the distributed cloud as both a means to support a global and scalable cloud platform as well as a developer-friendly environment that enables faster and cheaper application deployment than traditional hosting platforms.

Cloud services are maturing, giving organizations more choice. It is becoming more common practice to move workloads between providers, and enterprises are realizing that they can get better performance with greater flexibility by adopting a multicloud environment. This report, commissioned by Akamai, focused on the criteria organizations are evaluating in choosing cloud providers.

The report reveals that workload portability and support for applications that demand edge services are the primary criteria organizations use to select cloud providers. The building blocks of basic infrastructure services—storage, compute, managed databases, managed containers—remain critical, but organizations want these capabilities across the globe delivered by a robust network. Akamai has built a massively distributed edge and cloud platform for cloud computing, security, and content delivery that speaks to this evolving need for powerful edge services. 

Download the Report

Download a copy of the Q4 2022 Techstrong Research report, “DevOps and the Public Cloud: Selecting the Right Cloud Provider,” here. You can download the previous report here.


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