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BlogLinodeSecure Your Personal Linux Servers with HackerSploit

Secure Your Personal Linux Servers with HackerSploit


In our next installment of Linode Live! we invited HackerSploit to demonstrate how Linode users can set up, secure, and audit Linux servers.

Join us for a two-part Linux Security Server Series with HackerSploit. This webinar series is for anyone who wants to learn how to effectively secure their servers, regardless of their function (web servers, mail servers, etc).

About HackerSploit: With just under 500K subscribers to his YouTube channel, Alexis Ahmed, aka HackerSploit, is the leading provider of free Infosec and cybersecurity training. Focused on penetration testing, ethical hacking, and Linux, HackerSploit has been educating corporations and individuals since 2015. Five new Linux Security videos are available now via YouTube:

  • SSH Security Essentials
  • Configuring SUDO Access
  • Securing Apache2
  • Securing Nginx
  • UFW – Complete Guide

More Labs and Videos: Once you get the basics down, move on to more advanced topics including the securing of FTP, SSH, web servers, WordPress, and more!  Learn at your own pace when episodes start to drop the week of October 20th. All labs are approximately 40 minutes long, but you can watch them over and over again. Watch all episodes now!

On-demand series (Episodes 6-12):

Brute-force Protection with Fail2Ban
In the first on-demand series with HackSploit, learn how to set up and configure SSH/ FTP brute-force protection with Fail2Ban.

Iptables – Complete Guide
In episode 7 of the series, you’ll learn installing and configuring IPtables, setting up firewall rules, and allowing and rejection connections.

Configuring Automated Security Updates
During episode 8, approximately 40 minutes long, you can expect to learn setting up unattended upgrades. You’ll also leave this part with knowledge on setting up automated updates and upgrades with corn.

WordPress Security Guide
In part 9 of our 12- part series with HackerSploit, learn how to secure a WordPress installation. You’ll also expect to learn:

AV and Rootkit Detection
Learn how to detect and prevent viruses and malware on Linux in episode 10. After this lab, you’ll know about installing clamav and maldet, along with AV scanning.

Analyzing Logs
In the second to last lab of the series, follow along with HackerSploit in analyzing system and authentication logs. You can also expect to learn:

  • Analyzing logs with logcheck
  • Analyzing logs with MultiTail
  • Monitoring active users with Whowatch

Security Auditing with Lynis
Finish the Linux security series with learning how to set up and configure Lynis and how to perform security auditing with Lynis.

Check out all the other events, webinars and labs here.


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