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BlogLinuxFedora 17 – Beefy Miracle

Fedora 17 – Beefy Miracle

We’re happy to announce the availability of Fedora 17 (release notes) for deployment within the Linode Manager. This release will be supported by the Fedora Project until one month after the release of Fedora 19 (approximately 13 months). For instructions on how to deploy Fedora 17 on your Linode, you may reference our documentation in the Linode Library on deploying a Linux distribution.



Comments (3)

  1. Author Photo

    Beefy Miracle? Really? By most accounts Ubuntu is a great distro, but not because of its names. =P

  2. Author Photo

    Thank you! Wow, that was quick!
    A fun task to do this weekend!

  3. Author Photo

    I’m hopeful that Fedora 18 can be offered as a direct install distro.

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